Alison Weeks – Advisory Committee Chair
Alison has over twelve years of experience in the oil & gas industry with a strong foundation in inspections and integrity management. She holds professional certifications from ASET, NACE and API. Alison manages the Senior Management Representative for Signalta Resources Limited Owner-User Program as well as Signalta’s Pipeline Integrity Program. She has been involved with IPEIA for the past 9 Years, sitting on both the Steering Committee and Public Relations Committee.

Theo Abels – Advisory Committee Member
Theo Abels, P.Eng, Principal of Blu 5 Engineering, Qualified as a Mechanical Engineer in 1984 and has focused on materials and corrosion since then. Presently provides leadership in asset and integrity management programs in Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia. Sharing knowledge and experience with the next wave of integrity professionals is his goal.

Jim Yukes – Advisory Committee Member
Jim Yukes, AVH Engineering Inc, has over 25 years business development experience including Non-Destructive Examination, facilities and pipeline integrity services in Western Canada and internationally. Jim has been committed for over 5 years to IPEIA including Program, PR and Steering Committees.

Heather Fairfield – Advisory Committee Member
Heather Fairfield, IHS Market, is an account executive for technical information related to the pressure vessel, pipe and welding industry. Heather is a Member emeritus of IPEIA, past chair of public relations committee and has been an IPEIA member for 12 years.

Nick Marx – Advisory Committee Member
Nick Marx, IMRL attended the 1st IPEIA Conference 26 years ago. He is a huge supporter of IPEIA and has only missed 2 conferences. He started volunteering his time to IPEIA in 2003 on the Program Committee and continued to evolve his roles. He started on the Steering Committee in 2007 as the Chair of Public Relations and was the Chair of the 2017 IPEIA Conference. Nick continues to provide his guidance and support on various committees and where is needed. IRML has been a bronze sponsor 5 years.

Bobby Wright – Advisory Committee Member
Bobby has 40 years’ experience in refining and petro-chemical engineering consulting, focusing on fixed equipment integrity as an SME. He works very closely with maintenance, inspection, process and operations to help improve plant reliability, safety and profitability.
Bobby is a Professional Engineer in the state of Texas, holds a BS Degree in Mechanical Engineering and has been involved with IPEIA since 2004. He joined the Program Committee in 2006/2007 and is currently assisting with the PR Committee with Heather.

Norm Blatz – Advisory Committee Member
Norm has over 30 years of industry experience across multiple industry sectors both as an owner-user and as a consultant. Norm’s focus has been on Pressure Equipment Integrity Management with a particular emphasis on work processes and RBI where he enjoys assisting in the development of the next generation of PEIM professionals. Norm has been active in IPEIA for many years as a delegate, Program Committee member, and has been on the Advisory Committee since 2019.

Greg Murray – Advisory Committee Member
Greg has been part of the oil, gas and petrochemical industries since graduating from the Welding Engineering Technology Program at SAIT. Holding positions as QC Manager, Chief Inspector and Asset Integrity Team Lead / Manager, Greg actively participated and held positions with several industry groups over the years including The Welding Institute of Canada (WIC/CWB), ARPIA, UCIA, UPIMA and of course IPEIA. Apart from the Leadership aspects, Greg’s technical career focused on pipeline and pressure equipment quality and integrity management.
As a Certified Engineering Technologist and Corrosion Technologist Greg also held several Inspection and Technical Certifications acquired over the years, several that didn’t exist when he first entered the industry. Greg is also a Journeyman Welder and an apprentice vintage British car mechanic.

Mark Palynchuk – Advisory Committee Member
Mark has been with Western Instruments since 1979 and currently oversees the manufacturer of Non-Destructive Testing equipment and management of the company. Mark started as a mechanical designer and is now the company President. His original focus was on Mechanized Ultrasonic Testing Systems for Tube and Pipe manufacturers, a subject he has authored and published 10 papers on. Mark is listed as a Co-Inventor on over 4 US Patents, one of which is as a result of Equipment developed due to his participation in the IPEIA Conference. The original conference was not going to have an exhibition, but Mark convinced the organizers to create a trade booth section. Mark’s company was 1 of the 6 original Exhibitors, 22 years ago. In 1997 Mark presented a paper on Non-Destructive Testing Equipment, and volunteered for the Steering Committee in 1997. Mark has lead the Public Relations and Program Sub-Committees for over 12 of those years. In 2015 Mark was appointed as Member Emeritus of IPEIA.

Hennie Prinsloo – Advisory Committee Member
Hennie was a major shareholder and president of RAE Engineering and Inspection until he sold the company to a group of the staff in 2008. Since retirement he still provides consulting engineering services under his own name. Hennie joined the steering committee in 1994 and stepped down after the 2014 conference. He was vice-president for a year (2012) and chair for two years (2013 and 2014). He is currently an advisor/ad-hoc member of the Education Committee.

Izak Roux – Advisory Committee Member
Izak J Roux DBA P. Eng. Izak was chair of IPEIA 2018. Prior to this he has been vice chair and program chair since 2015. Izak is also an active member of ASME and he is a member of two pressure vessel technical committees as well as of the Canadian CSA B51 Boiler, pressure vessels and piping standard technical committee. In Alberta he serves as chair of the Safety Codes Council’s Pressure Equipment Sub-council and the Edmonton Transit Advisory Board since 2015.