October 15, 2020

IMPACT Canada Study


Globally the IMPACT study has provided data that has been used to keep government officials, regulators, industry and the general public informed about corrosion control management practices and the associated reduction of corrosion costs. The data has been instrumental in the development of public policy, standards, and corrosion management planning.  This will translate in support for our teams, companies, industry and country in general.   

This IMPACT Canada study is an extension of global IMPACT study.

In very simple terms, the study utilizes a survey to benchmark how asset-owning companies administer their corrosion management practices, policies and procedures throughout their organization. 

To participate, you will answer 90 questions related to corrosion prevention practices from the design of an asset through decommissioning.  These questions are not related to the technical aspects of corrosion prevention but rather, how an organization ensures consistent and comprehensive policies, procedures and practices throughout the entire organization. 

All surveys from all participants, will be collected and analyzed by APQC (American Productivity and Quality Center) in TOTAL CONFIDENTIALITY.  Neither you nor your company are identified in any way.   

Why it is important for you to participate?

While the benefits will vary for companies and agencies, the key reason for participation remains the overarching desire to ensure best available corrosion control practices are utilized throughout all Canadian industries.  Certainly, a key benefit is advocacy and the value an agency or company places on demonstrating to their key stakeholders their commitment to protecting people, assets and the environment from corrosion. 

How can you participate?

Get in contact with Monica Hernandez (Country Coordinator for the Study) at monica@infinitygrowth.ca

Additional Resources

IMPACT Canada Media Release
IMPACT Canada Study FAQ
Video by NACE International Institute